Fit & Healthy for Life

12 week immersive program to take you from "I can't lose the weight" to consistent healthy eating and exercising to lose weight and keep it off, improve energy, increase metabolism, and keep your body healthy for the future you

Transform your Life with a 
12 week Immersive

Fitness & Nutrition 

 This is for you if you're:

  • Tired of not knowing what to follow with nutrition
  • Struggling to lose weight and don't know why
  • Being held back from the things you want to do in life because of your weight
  • Tired of looking in the mirror and not feeling like "you"
  • Struggling with health issues as a result of your lifestyle
  • Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of going to the gym and lifting weights
  • Struggling to stay consistent with workouts
  • Wanting to exercise regularly to lose weight but not sure where to start

How It Works...

Fit From Home Membership

For 12 weeks you will follow a proven system to build strength, increase metabolism, and lose weight with just 3 workouts per week.
You will have access to:
  • Fit For Beginners: 12 Beginner and 12 Intermediate Follow Along workouts progress you from “couch to confident”, and from “do I even have a core” to “my core is rock solid”! These full body workouts slowly progress in difficulty as you are also progressing in your fitness. With minimal equipment, from the comfort of your home you can establish your fundamentals and build your foundation with only 3 workouts per week.
  • Fit from Home: These LIVE and On-Demand Intermediate/Advanced Follow-Along workouts offer a wide range of modifications and progressions that will challenge you to the next level while rewarding you with increased strength and weight loss!
  • Community Chat: Ask questions, share experiences, and receive accountability and support in your fitness journey.

Weekly Nutrition Modules

Weekly nutrition and lifestyle modules to help create lasting success around weight loss and healthy habits. Get evidence based information to help you create lasting healthy habits.
Some Topics Include:
  • CORE Method of eating involving balanced plate, 
  • Reframing your mind around healthy living
  • Overcoming Sugar Addiction
  • Why Strength Training is Important
  • Pre/Post Workout Care
  • Strategies for Eating out, Vacations and Holidays
  • Chronic Disease Prevention
  • How Sleep and Stress Effect Weight Loss
  • Nutrition for Exercise
  • Hydration & Beverages
  • Gut Health and Weight Loss
  • Nutrition and Mental Wellness

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

Every Thursday you will have accountability through voice and text messaging with Laura and Andy on any and all topics Nutrition and Fitness! 
Accountability topics include:
  • Food Log Feedback
  • Weekly module implementation questions
  • Health Concerns
  • Behavior Change Coaching
  • Navigating and implementing new eating strategies
  • Fitness form/technique questions
  • Helping you work through setbacks and create plans for success

Bonus Materials

Additional customization and resource materials for each person.

  • Custom feedback and nutrition recommendations based on your health questionnaire and individual health risks and concerns
  • Meal Plans
  • Recipes and Resources to create lasting habits
  • New go-to meals so you can lose weight, build muscle, and improve your health.
  • Supplement suggestions to correct any deficiencies 

Ready to Get Fit & Healthy for Life?

Contact us and we can set up a time to chat and answer any questions. We will contact you within 24 hours!

Meet Your Coaches

Andy Berger, CSCS

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Andy Berger, CSCS, has a B.S. in Exercise Science and over 20 years of experience helping clients from all fitness levels lose weight, improve their quality of life and become the strongest version of themselves. Andy was a nationally competitive gymnast for 15 years and has used his passion for training and his own personal rehab from injuries to help clients train functionally to prevent injury, increase mobility, and get stronger than they were 10 years ago. 

Andy began designing home workouts and conducting virtual group fitness classes in 2020 during Covid. The workouts were so effective for not only his clients but also he and Laura, they decided to help others experience this amazing program from the convenience of home.

Laura Berger, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Laura Berger, MS, RDN, LD has over 10 years of experience working in the Nutrition and Fitness field and has counseled 100's of clients in nutrition, using food and lifestyle change as medicine to lose weight and reverse chronic health issues. Laura has a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from The Ohio State University and a Bachelor's in Health Promotion and Fitness; she is also a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist with additional training in integrative and functional medicine and uses her skills and experience to help clients lose stubborn weight in addition to healing and managing gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, PCOS, menopause, autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression, and mood, and sleep issues.

Laura takes into account your personal biology and dives into the "why behind the weight" to help rebalance your body and achieve lasting results.